Micro-credentials Regional Workshop in Suva, Fiji

The University of the South Pacific’s Centre for Flexible Learning has teamed up with the Commonwealth of Learning #COL4D to host a three-day workshop on micro-credentials. This important event is made possible with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade #MFAT, New Zealand, represented by Ms Vena-Liz Upton. The March 2024 regional workshop focused on the intricate and evolving world of micro-credentials, gathering various stakeholders from nine countries to deepen their understanding and strategize on effective implementation across different educational and institutional levels.

We were thrilled to have Prof. Gurmeet Singh, Deputy VC (Research) of USP, join the workshop. The event was led by Dr Tony Mays and Dr Betty Ogange from #COL4D, along with Dr Terry Neal, an independent expert from New Zealand. Dr Rajni Chand, Director of CFL, was the principal organiser and a resource person for the workshop.

The workshop has brought together 35 participants across the region! We have #COL4D Focal Points – senior officials or academics nominated by ministries of education – as well as leaders from various USP campuses. We were also delighted to have academic leaders from the National University of Samoa and the Tonga National University among us.

The goal of this workshop was to raise awareness regarding the potential and possibilities of micro-credentials in advancing flexible and open education in the Pacific. By exploring this exciting field, we hope to create more opportunities for employment and professional development in the region.