Developments in Micro-Credentials in Samoa

Hot on the heels of the recent three-day workshop hosted by the University of the South Pacific’s (USP) Centre for Flexible Learning and the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), we’re delighted to share more groundbreaking progress from the National University of Samoa (NUS).

From April 17th to 18th, 2024, the Oloamanu Centre for Professional Development and Continuing Education at NUS held a series of workshops aimed at enhancing awareness of micro-credentials. This initiative, funded by the Education Sector Fund, brought together NUS staff, government representatives, and stakeholders from the private and civil sectors to explore micro-credentials’ pivotal role in career development and continuous learning.

The USP workshop in Fiji, facilitated by experts from COL and supported by New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, highlighted similar themes, emphasising the importance of inclusivity, teaching quality, and climate change adaptation within the micro-credential frameworks. These workshops underline a regional commitment to harnessing micro-credentials for advancing professional skills and education.

NUS continues to lead the charge in Samoa, advocating for the integration of micro-credentials into national and regional qualification frameworks. This aligns perfectly with Samoa’s position as a pioneer in developing its Micro-Credentials Framework. The aim? To bridge skill gaps effectively and foster robust workforce development across the Pacific.