Empowering Vanuatu’s Youth: V-Lab and COL Partnership Success

Participant with their certificate of completion

Through the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade New Zealand, COL recently collaborated with V-Lab – Vanuatu’s first business, idea, and organization incubator – leading to a significant achievement in the Pacific nation’s journey towards enhanced job readiness.

To date, a total of 417 youths, including young women and persons with disabilities, have successfully honed vital skills for the workforce. The training covered leadership, job readiness, and entrepreneurship, resulting in high satisfaction and real job placements. Fourteen youths landed jobs immediately after their internships!

The programme, split into three stages, included career exploration in entrepreneurship and employability, field trips, and finally, an internship and mentorship. Courses like life skills training taught self-discipline, respect, love, and workplace communication, while the money management course proved essential for budgeting skills.

Participants said they found the programme constructive and provided a rare opportunity to learn in a supportive environment. The mini career days, with various organisations participating, opened eyes to potential career paths. The engaging setup of the programme made learning enjoyable and incredibly useful.