News & Events

Mid-term Evaluation Report of the Partnership for ODFL in the Pacific
Commonwealth of Learning (COL) together with the COL regional centre (Pacific Centre for Flexible and Open Learning for Development, or PACFOLD) hosted at the University

Skilling youth for employability in Fiji
In August 2022, COL established a partnership with FRIEND Fiji to train at least 600 youths in skills and leadership during 2022-2023. The overall objective

new course: quality assurance for open distance and flexible learning
The short online course ‘Quality Assurance for Open Distance and Flexible Learning’ will be offered from February 22 to March 22, 2023. This is a

[DATE EXTENDED] Call for proposals: Mid-term Evaluation
We are currently seeking a team to conduct the mid-term evaluation of the Partnership for ODFL in the Pacific Project covering the period from 1

Launch of the ODL Course Catalogue
The Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Course Catalogue for the Pacific was launched. The Catalogue was designed through a wide range of consultation process with the

Workshop II on policy and planning for open and distance learning with the ministry officials
In continuation of the workshops with the ministry officials in May and June 2022, the second part of the workshop on policy and planning for

A Special Parallel Session @ PCF10: Strategies and Solutions for ODFL in the Pacific
On September 15, 2022, a special parallel session convened over 40 key policymakers, educators and practitioners from the Pacific to review the progress of open,

PCF10 Inauguration Addressed by the Hon. Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, Prime Minister of Samoa
The 10th Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF10) was held in Calgary, Canada from September 14th to 16th, 2022, bringing ministers of education, university vice-chancellors,

5000 youths expected to benefit from open skills training
5000 youths are expected to benefit from the Open Skills Training in partnership with Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and Foundation for Rural Integrated Enterprises &

Online Workshop on Policy and Planning for Open Distance and Flexible Learning
COL organised online workshops for officials in ministries of education in the smaller island countries of the Pacific on policy and planning for open distance